- February 17, 2017
The Urban Dictionary defines this as “the vain act of wearing shoes that kill your feet for the self satisfaction of looking cute!” However did you know that 25% of your bones are in your feet? Very few people do but it’s true. What this means though is that it’s really important to look after your feet. The problems go further than your feet too. If any of the fragile bones in your feet become misaligned your whole body could be affected, causing knee, hip or back problems, in turn impacting on your muscular structure and posture.
Interestingly, it appears that nine out of ten women wear shoes that are too small for them.
As a general rule, if shoes are chosen that fit well, and they are worn properly, then it is possible to wear those gorgeous heels and strut them in style without killing your feet! However, heels are getting higher, and ultra-high heels can lead to everything from ankle sprains to chronic pain. It will help to take a closer look at the problems of the