Lower Back Pain Treatment
To fix lower back pain, a variety of measures can be taken, both preventative and reactive. Affecting millions of people, chronic lower back pain is one of the most common injuries, which is unfortunate as the back is so integral to all movement of the body. Back pain can result in tiredness and fatigue elsewhere in the body, including the limbs and neck. It is clear why so many wish to fix lower back pain, as it becomes a hindrance, impacting the ability to live life and go about your day-to-day.
With the majority of lower back complaints caused by strain and repetitive or stress injuries, lower back pain and foot pain can often go hand-in-hand. These tend to be the more minor injuries that can often be combatted by at-home treatments and supports, but lower back pain caused by poor posture is hard to correct or treat. Chronic lower back pain treatment starts by supporting your feet to prevent over-pronounced or rolled arches and pain that we have to over-compensate for. FootActive orthotic insoles for back pain are designed to support the foot, particularly the arches, to reduce pain throughout the foot and the lower back.
Lower back pain treatments can be administered at home with simple methods that reduce inflammation. This is a pain relief rather than a preventative measure. To relieve back pain, you can rest and rotate heat and ice packs or use anti-inflammatory creams and natural remedies.
If pain gets too severe, you should consult your doctor as soon as possible. For more information on how to prevent lower back pain with insoles, get in touch with our team of foot experts.
Lower Back Pain FAQs
What Causes Lower Back Pain?
Causes of lower back pain and foot pain vary, but the prime source is poor body posture. This is a particularly frequent cause of lower back pain in those that work on their feet or carry heavy items without the proper support or technique. Bad posture that causes lower back pain can often be attributed to foot problems. This affects more than half of the population and can lead to other foot complaints and concerns, including ball of foot pain. An over-pronounced arch will change how the whole body is balanced on the floor. Over-pronation causes the legs to rotate inwards and the pelvis to tilt forward. The result is increased spinal curvature and continuous tension on the muscles in the lower back causing pain and discomfort. Most people who suffer from chronic lower back pain, especially after standing for longer periods, or walking long distances, should consider their lower back pain and foot pain as one issue.
Other less common lower back pain causes include:
- Pregnancy
- Sciatica
- Arthritis
- Specific injuries – lower back pain causes can also include accidents that induce bulging or ruptured disks.
Many lower back pain causes are temporary conditions that naturally recover over time. For more severe or acute back pain, you should consult your doctor. Lower back pain treatments are designed to be preventative and reduce the risk of a flare-up or a re-occurrence.
Can Chronic Lower Back Pain Issues Cause Plantar Fasciitis?
Chronic lower back pain is often caused by foot concerns, including plantar fasciitis, but it can also work the other way around. This is because to prevent pain caused by the feet, we alter how we walk to avoid putting pressure or weight on the injured area.
How do you relieve lower back pain?
Relieving symptoms of lower back pain typically involves gentle exercise and stretching, adjusting your posture, weight management, and wearing supportive footwear.
Do insoles work for back pain?
Orthotic insoles and shoe inserts for back pain work by creating extra support and controlling over pronation. Important features of orthotic insoles that help alleviate back pain include Arch Support, Shock Absorption, Alignment Correction, and Pressure Distribution.
What are the best shoe inserts for lower back pain?
There are a range of insoles available from FootActive that are suitable for those suffering with lower back pain. Browse our recommended insoles for back pain, and don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need any further advice from us!